The True Tale of an Amazing Deer

Imagine what life would be like to be loved by a not-so-typical wild deer.
Think of the discoveries—full of fun, at times terrifying—as awareness blurs
nature's wildlife boundaries, and friendship grows.
This is the true tale of a deer rescue and a human ...

The True Tale of an Amazing Deer

Redefining the meaning of friendship.

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Redefining the meaning of friendship


"This book is a work of art. It is a beautiful story, and it is well presented... Blossom was one of God's unique creations. Anna and Blossom bonded as only sisters or mother and child can bond. You will laugh, cry and worry about Blossom during deer hunting season. Every word is a gift. I found myself reading slowly and trying to capture the feel of this rare story." 

- A. Rochester, Amazon Top Contributor

'Pet Deer Blossom'

Our pet deer Blossom was the only wild animal ever nominated by the New Jersey Veterinary Association for Purina's Pet of the Year award. A memoir of a pet rescue and how one helpless fawn found love.

Unicorn Hollow Farm

Unicorn-Hollow-Farm (1)