About the Author
Blossom~The Wild Ambassador of Tewskbury
As one of the first paramedics in Florida in the late 70s, Anna volunteered with several Fire Rescue squads during the tumultuous Cuban Mariel boatlift exodus and Miami riots. She was awarded a special commendation by the Mayor of Miami for her "Good Samaritan" efforts.
Another life change led to several years of living in the Bahamas, on a sailboat, Spindrift, with her husband and young son, Glen. Home-schooling, scuba diving and exploring were interspersed with true medical emergencies—where her training proved crucial to people living in the remote outer islands.
Anna, her husband Pino, and a menagerie of animals moved to the community of nature-loving enthusiasts in Tewksbury, New Jersey, in ‘98. Raising alpacas and competitive endurance trail riding became Anna's passions.
Long hours spent at growing their home-based business resulted in the creation of the Unicorn family of leather care and natural fiber cleaning products. Anna wrote all marketing and advertising materials as well as the patent for the Leather Therapy Treatment process, which brought leather care into the home laundry. Successful appearances on QVC in the USA and Home Shopping TV in Canada followed.
Then, Blossom, the wild deer, came into their lives in 1999 …
“...Author grips us even as Blossom runs off safely into the woods. We worry like a parent. Anna Carner has built ripples in her relationship with Blossom, and we enjoy our connection here as well. Nicely done. Great attention to setting and especially to movement of animals and humans. Their own movements also told depths of tales about them. Very well done. ‘There comes a time in life when a friendship is stamped into eternity.' Indeed."
Writer's Digest Self Published eBook Awards